This week has been a week to forget. All I can say is good thing I can laugh at myself. I broke the deadbolt key off in the door when I was late to work.
Some asshole told me Hitler did a lot of good things. Why is it if you call out a racist they say it was only a joke and don't see a problem with what they said. I came so close to breaking ahimsa and kicking his ass. But I really want to stay as nonviolent as possible. An eye for an eye makes one blind.
I wish people would understand any type of hate is just plan wrong
namaste everyone
Some asshole told me Hitler did a lot of good things. Why is it if you call out a racist they say it was only a joke and don't see a problem with what they said. I came so close to breaking ahimsa and kicking his ass. But I really want to stay as nonviolent as possible. An eye for an eye makes one blind.
I wish people would understand any type of hate is just plan wrong