My antidote for getting a new tattoo. Really think about it for a period of time before you permanently put it on your body. Plus I'm not to big on the whole tattoo removal thing.
This all started when I spent 3 months studying in Japan. One of the other Americans I had class with wanted to get "Good Luck"in kanji tattooed on his back. So we found a shop in Tokyo, but the artist didn't speak any english and our Japanese was very bad. So the guy found what he thought was the proper kanji characters and had them tattooed on his back. First off he went with bigger is better like around 17 inches tall. Second his understanding of basic kanji was way wrong.
Going to a school where 90% are Japanese you would of thought he would of asked one of them if he had the right kanji, but he did not. Everyone at school got a big laugh out of the fact a stupid american had "FAT DUCK" tattooed on his back in 17 inch tall kanji characters.
In life think before you act.
This all started when I spent 3 months studying in Japan. One of the other Americans I had class with wanted to get "Good Luck"in kanji tattooed on his back. So we found a shop in Tokyo, but the artist didn't speak any english and our Japanese was very bad. So the guy found what he thought was the proper kanji characters and had them tattooed on his back. First off he went with bigger is better like around 17 inches tall. Second his understanding of basic kanji was way wrong.
Going to a school where 90% are Japanese you would of thought he would of asked one of them if he had the right kanji, but he did not. Everyone at school got a big laugh out of the fact a stupid american had "FAT DUCK" tattooed on his back in 17 inch tall kanji characters.

great reason for a tat,man...
i'm not opposed to going to denver for a tattoo. i know what i want, just need to know where i can get it done in denver-boulder and it be vegan. i'm not wild about going out to slc to get it done vegan. so, if you know some people in denver, i'm all ears.