Met with Christie about the tattoo today, shes going to call me in a few days biggrin So exciting!

I actually have a couple of days with no homework due so I think I have to clean my dump of an apartment now that I am out of excuses. I really hate cleaning and pretty much live in constant clutter. At least I don't live in...
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vegan donut holes?? Got to git me some o' those... If you're blessed with fast metabolism I say eat 'em - eat the whole box, plus a box for me and my slow thyroid...

Glad I'm not the only one with a messy house - although I don't have any dishes in the sink... eewwww LOL

PS - love your new pic
I am finally getting a tattoo biggrin
The artist is going to draw up a variation on a drawing my brother did for me. I was reading about places who try to pressure you into getting their pre-drawn pictures so they don't have to put the effort into it. I don't see how that can really be considered art. I'm glad to have found a place...
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who's going to do the tattoo?
Yeah System was fucking amazing in concert.

My tattoo is going to be done by one of the artists at the Boulder Tribal Rites, probably Christie but that is still open to change. I have a consultation about the artwork tomorrow and will hopefully be getting the tattoo next week. The picture I have is rather complicated for the size of tattoo that I want so I think it may take her sometime to rework it. My brother drew it for me which is a large part of why I picked it, so hopefully it won't have to change too much.
It's friday afternoon and I just finished a huge midterm exam for my constitutional law class. I had a very busy and stressful week I am so fucking ready for the weekend... maybe a little Jim Beam and acting like an immature deliquent- that would be fun too biggrin

Its coming time to start picking where I want to go to law school. I have a...
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I'm dumb and deleted your email.
Give me your #, and we can get together soon.
I invite jim beam over and always makes me feel more lonely.

I find many mean people have lots of friends.
I want a t-shirt that says "Fuck Censorship" and I want to wear it places that it will piss everyone off, Wal-Mart might be good... As the leader of an organization I probably shouldn't do that shit. I should probably try to be all proper like people in political offices are always doing. But all that bull shit is really what's wrong with the world....
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What organization are you the leader of?

Same question as Daniel - saw you in the AR group

for the oink bok ooo aaa miao!!

kiss "Vegemite"

PS wear the t-shirt to Walmart
Already feeling a bit sad tonight and then I saw the O.C....I thought it was super sad tonight.
Hey there.

Have you discovered SGCO yet? There's a lot of members in Boulder. smile

It's just been one of those days....

1. Went to get some bean burritos with another vegan friend at lunch. Very clearly order them with NO CHEESE. In fact, the receipt says "No Cheese" on it. So of course, all three burritos have cheese on them and I have to send them back .

2. To continue on my rant about the FDA and Plan...
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What I thought was interesting was seeing a sign at a local drugstore stating that you could not purchase more than two bottles of Robutussin at a time. I guess they're starting to figure out what the people who buy it by the case are really doing with it.

Right now I have no tattoos but I have sort of been thinking lately that I would like to get one. Or maybe get something else pierced. Haven't quite decided yet.

Spent the weekend at home where my family managed to make me realtively insane. My parents live in suburbia and try to pretend like they don't buy into all of the usual crap, but...
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Whoa! Another vegan ... welcome aboard!
Hey there... Welcome to SG. We've got a pretty good group of kids here in Colorado, particularly right there in the Boulder and Denver areas. Check out the SGColorado Group for more info. I'm not sure what our next public event is, but I'll check into it. Hope you're enjoying SG so far!

Had a crazy night on Saturday. Went to bed at 5 a.m., very good times though. Now it's back to class and reality. Lame.
I'm confused. Is the Body as Billboard site yours?
So living here is pretty cool aside from all the idiots. Yesterday I go get on the bus to go home and the thing is packed (not unusual). When it gets to standing room only none of the people standing ever move back past the back exit, so there's usually tons of standing room in the back of the bus that no one is filling...
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