I'm having a fit over the FDA right now. I'm vegan so I obviously was already not quite on the best of terms with these people due to their food pyramids and animal testing requirments, but now I'm really fucking mad. Their bullshit with emergency contraception has been going on forever and now they have finally decided that yes it would be safe to sell over the counter. Except now their bullshit reason for not making it legal is that young teenagers shouldn't be able to buy it. 1.) That's stupid. If some uptight people don't want their over-sheltered teenagers having sex and buying EC then maybe they ought to pay attention to what the fuck their kids are doing. And 2.) Since when is it a big fucking problem to have age restrictions on stuff? You have to be 18 to buy cigarettes which are sold at the same places you would be buying EC. Some places you have to show ID to the pharmacist to buy sudafed because people were using it to make meth.
It's obviously bullshit, and it's making me mad.
It's obviously bullshit, and it's making me mad.
anywho welcome to sg! looking forward to seeing u around