So I have been try to grow my hair out a little bit, it was really short back in the winter. I love it short, but I always grow it out a little and then cut it again So I went in yesterday to get a trim and have the back shortenend up a bit, and now all of my hair is significantly shorter. I like it, but it's seriously annoying because I told her that I was tryiing to grow it out so I really only wanted the back cut (to avoid that mullet look). I was afraid that she was getting it too short, and I told her like three times while she was cutting to remember that I didn't want to much taken off the front. I wasn't happy about it, but I'm not the type to freak out in a hair salon and demand to see a manager over half an inch of hair. Seriously though, what is up with hair stylist thinking they can do whatever they want to your hair? I think I would be better off letting a friend trying to cut it
and stylists cost more.