January, 1989 (?) to November 27, 2005
January, 1989 (?) to November 27, 2005
My sweet Pumpkin passed from this world early this morning after several hours of agony. He seemed on the verge of death for quite some time. When death did not come so quickly and his suffering seemed to get worse, I drove him to an emergency vet and asked them to euthanize him. My greatest regret is that I waited so long. I was out of tears by that time, or so I thought. Waking up opened up the floodgates again. Pumpkin was my child, my love, my best friend. I have a hole in my heart.
It was in July, 1991 that I adopted two adult cats whom I would rename Pumpkin and Sweetie. Pumpkin was always a feisty one who would talk and let you know what he wanted. He had a plush soft coat and a rich, velvet purr. He loved to eat cookies, bread, and raisins. His sweet face and charming personality delighted even confirmed cat haters. It still amazes me that Pumpkin and Sweetie's previous person was prepared to send them to the pound after two and a half years of their loving presence. Fortunately some animal lovers and foster parents saved them from this fate, and I was able to receive them into my life. Things were never the same after that.
Pumpkin had this habit of jumping on the bed and asking to be let under the blanket, so I could hold his warm purring body. He didn't do this the last week and a half. The tumors seemed to have made it difficult for him to comfortably lie down and he would often stand on the cable box trying to get its warmth. His pain severely impacted his personality the last week of his life, but he still offered me purrs whenever he could.
I did have many wonderful years with him, but this does not make it any less painful to be without my Pumpkin. I will miss him immensely. Sweetie has never been without him before, and it's obvious that she is in a grieving stage as well. Even Sky seems to be missing him already.
Words could never express my love for Pumpkin or how much his loss hurts.
January, 1989 (?) to November 27, 2005

January, 1989 (?) to November 27, 2005
My sweet Pumpkin passed from this world early this morning after several hours of agony. He seemed on the verge of death for quite some time. When death did not come so quickly and his suffering seemed to get worse, I drove him to an emergency vet and asked them to euthanize him. My greatest regret is that I waited so long. I was out of tears by that time, or so I thought. Waking up opened up the floodgates again. Pumpkin was my child, my love, my best friend. I have a hole in my heart.
It was in July, 1991 that I adopted two adult cats whom I would rename Pumpkin and Sweetie. Pumpkin was always a feisty one who would talk and let you know what he wanted. He had a plush soft coat and a rich, velvet purr. He loved to eat cookies, bread, and raisins. His sweet face and charming personality delighted even confirmed cat haters. It still amazes me that Pumpkin and Sweetie's previous person was prepared to send them to the pound after two and a half years of their loving presence. Fortunately some animal lovers and foster parents saved them from this fate, and I was able to receive them into my life. Things were never the same after that.
Pumpkin had this habit of jumping on the bed and asking to be let under the blanket, so I could hold his warm purring body. He didn't do this the last week and a half. The tumors seemed to have made it difficult for him to comfortably lie down and he would often stand on the cable box trying to get its warmth. His pain severely impacted his personality the last week of his life, but he still offered me purrs whenever he could.
I did have many wonderful years with him, but this does not make it any less painful to be without my Pumpkin. I will miss him immensely. Sweetie has never been without him before, and it's obvious that she is in a grieving stage as well. Even Sky seems to be missing him already.
Words could never express my love for Pumpkin or how much his loss hurts.
Merry Christmas, bitch.