9 days left!
I cannot wait for these next 9 days to go by so I don't have to hide my SG from my FB lol. (DUE TO MILITARY=NOT ALLOWED AND EVERYTHING IS CONSIDERED PORNOGRAPHY AND OBSTRUCTION OF GOV'T PROP)
I've been going through different websites figuring out what I really want to do next and I've came up with these top 5 pictures of something that I would like to photograph as or do.
I'm retarded yes I know this. Oh man so the end of April I will be a part of SG SEATTLE and will be looking for photographers in that area for photoshoots! I am so excited and I hope that this next step will take me much further in life.
On the other hand, adam is doing fine... Just pretty much plays COD all day when I'm not playing and if he's not at work. But just wait cause that will all end soon when this little monster comes back into play!
Welcome everyone! Please meet Braiden James Goodenough!
heheh he's almost 2 years old but he's my world.
Thanks to the military and deployments and shit he's been living with my mom, but now that I'm about to be finito with the USMC he's mine all over again! MWAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH! K bye!

I cannot wait for these next 9 days to go by so I don't have to hide my SG from my FB lol. (DUE TO MILITARY=NOT ALLOWED AND EVERYTHING IS CONSIDERED PORNOGRAPHY AND OBSTRUCTION OF GOV'T PROP)
I've been going through different websites figuring out what I really want to do next and I've came up with these top 5 pictures of something that I would like to photograph as or do.

On the other hand, adam is doing fine... Just pretty much plays COD all day when I'm not playing and if he's not at work. But just wait cause that will all end soon when this little monster comes back into play!

Welcome everyone! Please meet Braiden James Goodenough!

heheh he's almost 2 years old but he's my world.

wot a g8 post . >
Lmao yes I am quite in fact a nerd and yep. Lol I am a real marine! Lol for the next 9 days at least. I loved the corps while I was in minus the ridiculous term njp cause most of thebtime you're busted down for something stupid. Ehj oh well.