First of all, let me start off by saying that I officially have 28 days left in the United States Marine Corps and I am oh so happy! It seems as if I keep getting more work piled on for me to do when I still need to do stuff so I can get out on time. Imagine that, if you get over-worked and don't finish all of your requirements, you will be stuck in the military until you do. Hopefully you would get paid.. haha just thought of that. Uhh hopefully I get paid on time this paycheck, that's another thing the military likes to do around the time you shoul d ne getting out of the Marine Corps, they like to forget to pay you or pay the wrong account number. That is always lovely. And happened to me on the 15th. I didn't get paid til the 23rd. Which was my birthday and I've been so over-worked I didn't even go out for my bday not to mention I had to skip my bday party last night since I had gotten off work so late and had to be here back at work so early. ughhh yuck and I don't get off work for another 16 hours.

Awesome news is I keep getting more offers for modeling shoots, bad side of things is that unfortunately I as well am on a tight schedule besides the photographer I'm sure. More good news, Adam and I no longer live in the stone age. We got our cable, internet, and phone installed today! We were supposed to get cable on Thursday but for some reason the lady who was processing my order completely effed shit up so I had to re-do my order and what not and got cable today at 2 pm.

Another sad story, Adam made me get rid of Nala, our rottie and Bullseye, our coon hound. It's a good thing though I'm sure because we both work long hours and aren't there at all times to help with the tinkle training process. Well I'm off for now.. Thanks for reading!

lord I cannot wait.

i hear ya. jus had me first bath in 9 days...and it only took 3 hours to draw...i feel *fantastic*...wot wiv all the running around i bin doin it was well deserved i feel