This weeks been one of the hardest weeks ive gone thru ever. Its been 8 months since my car accident and Ive had it tough, coming back. Yous people are awesome and i dunno how i would have done it without you all.
After the crash i had an artificial lens put in my right eye. It looks the same but doesnt feel the same. Especially up till now. The people who operated on my eye did the operation and i wasnt properly informed on the rehabilitaion needed. Because of this i might lose my right eye. I have a 70% chance of not losing it. Either way. Ill be better in the end
Its been hard coping thru it. Ive been very limited for 6 months. Ive been getting flustered alot and not been able to watch tv, go out in the sun or be in chat for long periods.I dont see grey or thin light coloured text so well. I also cant stare at dark objects or be in shade too long i get blurry vision. I thought i would be fine till i was playing ps3 for a while. Then the headaches started. I never even got to finish Batman Arkham Asylum. bummer
Im not normally the type of person to bring out problems like this but a few people have been thinking i ignor them when i skip stuff out and not reply or go quiet ,so if you had the same impression I am sorry. In the end id rather come out with this than lose friends. Epecially the friends that mean much more to me. Under the circumstances of what happened with my crash i had to hide alot from my family and some friends, and its starting to bottle up. I am so greatful i have yous as friends.
I find out tonight ,tomorrow or Wednesday to what extend i will need surgeory. Ive been prepared for a month now so im not so sad, just want it over with. It will suck if i wear a patch tho. If not i will still need a long process of eyecare and rehab( a step i should have taken, months ago had i known).
I wont be leaving sg whatever happens but im gonna need to relax alot. Yous all rock and im gonna be positive.

After the crash i had an artificial lens put in my right eye. It looks the same but doesnt feel the same. Especially up till now. The people who operated on my eye did the operation and i wasnt properly informed on the rehabilitaion needed. Because of this i might lose my right eye. I have a 70% chance of not losing it. Either way. Ill be better in the end
Its been hard coping thru it. Ive been very limited for 6 months. Ive been getting flustered alot and not been able to watch tv, go out in the sun or be in chat for long periods.I dont see grey or thin light coloured text so well. I also cant stare at dark objects or be in shade too long i get blurry vision. I thought i would be fine till i was playing ps3 for a while. Then the headaches started. I never even got to finish Batman Arkham Asylum. bummer
Im not normally the type of person to bring out problems like this but a few people have been thinking i ignor them when i skip stuff out and not reply or go quiet ,so if you had the same impression I am sorry. In the end id rather come out with this than lose friends. Epecially the friends that mean much more to me. Under the circumstances of what happened with my crash i had to hide alot from my family and some friends, and its starting to bottle up. I am so greatful i have yous as friends.
I find out tonight ,tomorrow or Wednesday to what extend i will need surgeory. Ive been prepared for a month now so im not so sad, just want it over with. It will suck if i wear a patch tho. If not i will still need a long process of eyecare and rehab( a step i should have taken, months ago had i known).
I wont be leaving sg whatever happens but im gonna need to relax alot. Yous all rock and im gonna be positive.

well at least u have 2 Horns to look forward to soon. lol
keep your head up bro, your a great person and everything will work out for the best, much love