I love Puerto Ricans.
Can I get a 'Hell Yeah' from all you Pr'ns?

I just spent a glorious 15 days on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. My BF is from PR, and we went and spent the holidays with his family in Saun Juan (guyanabo and santurce). I want to move there. NEVER have I been anywhere so alive and passionate...
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My life is going pretty well at the moment. At the risk of being too blatant about how well, (without having to resort to the suprestitious crap that my Irish Catholic mother tainted my brain with, like knocking on wood) let me state that I would very much like to shout from the rooftops about how good it is, but won't.

The past two years...
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did I offend?

if so, rest assured it was unintentional....

remember the past only to compare it to the future, not the present.
you made me not a friend! hehe
Today was the last day of my work to complete my Masters degree!
Send me congrats, send me praise, but I'm out to GO GET DRUNK!

GO ME! biggrin

Hell yeah! After years of being actively non-christian, I can finally say that Jesus is a friend of mine!
Jesus is a friend of mine too!! I actually know about 5 or 6 guys named Jesus, but that's beside the point...

nothing is beside the point!
The cool thing about the bastardization of the name Jesus, as given to that uber-prophet (if such a title can be given without offending) is that it's pronounced incorrectly. Or at least inconsistantly in comparison to the Hispanic Jesus. Jesus (with emphasis on the GEE) is much harder to come across that Jesus (with emphasis on the HEY). I know a few HEY-suses. No actual GEE-suses, other than the above-mentioned Jesus, which could, in fact, be pronounced HEY-sus. I really have no idea.
I *DO* know that I once sold Jesus a pager. I don't know what he needed it for though.
Do you ever have those days where, no matter what you are responsible for, or really need to do, you just cannot deal?
Today is that day. Maybe I have a penchant for trying to really fuck myself good, but today is the cumulation of three years worth of hard work and I decide that I just don't feel like it. I need to stay...
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I make:
music to eat pickles by.
music to fall asleep to on the bus
music for sprouting potatoes
music for making your booty wiggle like a jell-o mold
music to love people by
music for hurting yourself
music to adore

I make music that keeps my blood pumping, and hopefully, yours too.

I make music that hopefully would make stanton & Co. happy.


Thus the sweet artist in a wondrous shade
Of verdant trees, which harmony had made,
Encircled sate, with his own triumphs crown'd,
Of listning birds, and savages around.
Again the trembling strings he dext'rous tries,
Again from discord makes soft musick rise.
Then tunes his voice: O Muse, from whom I sprung,
Jove be my theme, and thou inspire my song.
To Jove my grateful voice I oft have rais'd,
Oft his almighty pow'r with pleasure prais'd.
I sung the giants in a solemn strain,
Blasted, and thunder-struck on Phlegra's plain.
Now be my lyre in softer accents mov'd,
To sing of blooming boys by Gods belov'd;
And to relate what virgins, void of shame,
Have suffer'd vengeance for a lawless flame.

I've heard of him, but never really listened.

do you make music also?

what do you teach?

3 years work toward what goal?

what borough do you live in?

why haven't you got any pictures?

are you named after a rabbit?

ooo aaa



I've got a very uncertain melancholy-type thing going on at the moment. I hate when I get like this. It usually happens after a specific number of glasses of red wine, but it's 11.21 am, and I'm currently drinking coffee. Unusal combination to cause melancholy.

A lot of shit's going down. The twins were born (not mine). None of you know this yet, but the...
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I have to say, that I absolutely LOVE my job. Nowhere else can I spend the day dedicated to totally grossing out 13 year olds.

On another note, it's snowing for the first time this winter, I haven't had sex for a week and the roommate is out of town. I envision an evening of porn, fucking and maybe, if we take a break, stir-fried...
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...i miss sex....
Sex, what is that?? I can't remember the last time I had that. frown Anyway, HI!! Have fun, and a glass of wine on me.
I need to stop partying, as much as I hate to admit it. My body has become too sensitive to put it through the rigors that I've been putting it through for 18 years (I started partying at a very young age). It's getting to the point were I'm still recoving on Monday from a drunken Friday. How much does that suck?
But, then...
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Solution: Drink on Thursdays smile
blah blah blah. birthdays lose their meaning at some point, and I believe that I have reached that point. I woke this morning excited and giggly, then soon realized that absolutely nothing interesting/exciting was planned for the day. More than likely no brightly wrapped presents (by boy already gave me his), no special trips to the bar for a birthday drink (I have class this...
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happy birthday!
everybirthday your get just a lil closer to the GREAT day that you get a senior discount , GOD I CANT WAIT! Half price egg mcmuffins heh
Ok. 48 hours, approximately 400 miles. North to a town so small, not a traffic light (or neon light) was in view. 5 public spaces (stores, restaurants, etc.). Creepy. Vermont is pretty and creepy in a way that a state with only 600,000 people can be. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against small towns; I voluntarily lived in Arcata, CA for 5 months...
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Ok, so. I went to the local sporting goods depot to buy some new sports shoes. As I meandered through the place I decided to take a look at the skates. A friend of mine, myself and my beau have recently been reminising about roller (not inline, but the four wheelers) skating and how we needed to buy some tennis shoe skates so that we...
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Check out the true Roller Skaters (4 wheel old style) in Central Park on the weekends, south end of the mall, They have it going on and they are very helpful to beginners.

[Edited on Nov 08, 2003 10:46AM]
thank you very much for the info on where to go hang, but I can assure you, I am not a beginner wink Just very out of practice
Hi. I'm new. I'm not really supposed to be here at this place. I like to look and read, but I have a secret. I'm not a goth chick. Shhhh. I'm also not vegan, or a neo-hippie (well, that's a lind of lie), or anything that remotely resembles what I've seen on SG so far. I'm a teacher smile A youngish teacher, but fairly normal looking...
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I'm not a goth chick either. I joined because my boyfriend has this thing for goth chicks. So I thought I would see what the fuss was about. I see what the fuss is all about...Goth chicks are HOT!!!!

Anyway now I fantasize about goth chicks.
I'm not a goth chick either. I'm not even a chick! Well, I used to be a goth guy, but not any more. But your secret's safe with the million and a half of us that you've told.
