this weekend all started with a shot of espresso and a 5 hr drive to mammoth. which upon arival i find my buddy, who just moved up there and was celebrating his 21st birthday vomiting in the parking lot. after pooing (and a little more puke ) all over himself and the appartment we finally put him to bed in the bathtub. good times! i digress, after passing out at 4 am i rise at 7 to spen a perfect day on the slopes. only to pack up at 5 pm, take 4 or 5 more shots of "e" and drive my stoopid ass home! oh to be young. i did take my daughter out today and by her the cutest little rat. she loves him. lifes so good right now. not to worry i give it a day till that spins around!
you should post a pic. 77 was the year of the snake. O'haras is the most fun I've ever had on Orange. And yes, hangovers are oh-so sad.