I wish there was a super speedy photo uploader here. Then I could show you all the amazing places I've been to this year...alas there isn't and I am so lazy!
I should be writing or researching or doing something productive seeing as I've off work (I've lost my voice and have been told not to speak - being a mute is quite fun, however, when ordering in a shop I sound like The Godfather!)
However, I shouldn't beat myself up. This morning I have been listening to
The whole RH album is amazing! A must for anyone into: Spiritualized, Spacemen3, The Black Angels, Black Mountain etc
and I have also taken down some old pieces of art that I felt didn't fit in with my spare room, filled in the holes and am getting ready to re-paint and put up three amazing vintage advertisements I picked up in a market in the UK,
I should be writing or researching or doing something productive seeing as I've off work (I've lost my voice and have been told not to speak - being a mute is quite fun, however, when ordering in a shop I sound like The Godfather!)
However, I shouldn't beat myself up. This morning I have been listening to
The whole RH album is amazing! A must for anyone into: Spiritualized, Spacemen3, The Black Angels, Black Mountain etc
and I have also taken down some old pieces of art that I felt didn't fit in with my spare room, filled in the holes and am getting ready to re-paint and put up three amazing vintage advertisements I picked up in a market in the UK,