There are so many Louis Vuitton handbags in Milan. Now some of them are real, there are some very good LV stores here - but there are so many. Like I can walk out and I will see at least one or two on my street any hour of the day.
Admittedly I live in a good neighbourhood but then anywhere you go in Milan I have seen the same thing. So there's a tonne of fakes.
So many so that I've taken to playing a game of spot the fakes.
I guess it's more fun when it's with boobs but it keeps me happy on my whizzing around the city on the Metro!
Admittedly I live in a good neighbourhood but then anywhere you go in Milan I have seen the same thing. So there's a tonne of fakes.
So many so that I've taken to playing a game of spot the fakes.
I guess it's more fun when it's with boobs but it keeps me happy on my whizzing around the city on the Metro!
Alas knives is way out of my league. Not for lack of trying though I can tell you
Oh and....