The one thing about being with this wonderful site is that a lot of the wonderful women you joined the site for in the first place aren't here anymore. I love the new girls as well but man I sure do miss those other ladies that laid the groundwork for what the site is today. Shoutout to ladies like @refen, @tanybat, @marlene, @velour and many,...
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I understand your outburst, I also miss them and others a lot, but we need to understand that cycles begin and cycles end, especially in this +18 world. So maybe that's why they're not as active here on the site anymore! That's why your support is so important while we are all here so present... have a good week my love!  ♥

So I'm going to Windsor, ON in December for a bit of fun and wanted to know if there were any SG who perform there or know of any good places to go. I'd love to know. Thanks 😁



Saddened by the passing of Tim Conway. If you haven't seen the Elephant sketch from Carol Burnett, stop what your doing and watch it. Comedic brilliance.


You know, the one thing I love about SG is the women I get to see from all over the world, mainly Europe. I have developed an affection for women from France, Italy, Spain, Russia and other places. Thank you to all of those lovely ladies for being so generous and sharing of their amazing bodies. 💜

What about Brazil :(
Oh, I wasn't trying to exclude anyone from other countries, I was just pointing out Europe. I love the South American ladies and the North American ladies and... 😁