Lords of chaos, Lords of law!
Strife eternal, endless war.
Johann Dieter, noshes chips...
As the football, 'tween legs slip...
Battle rages, eons long...
No end in sight, gloomy song...
Stomach roils, Johann burps...
Team advances, "No you jerks!"
Multiverse groans, war drags on..,
Lords take notice, sing peace song..
Johann stomps off, to the loo...
Team is losing, money too...
A layer up, clerks take note...
Johann's chosen, as a joke...
Lightning flashes, tv dies...
Johann curses, Lords arrive...
Lord's of Chaos, Lords of Law...
Who will win, the age old war?
His decision, is their end...
Tv's back on, his team wins...
Strife eternal, endless war.
Johann Dieter, noshes chips...
As the football, 'tween legs slip...
Battle rages, eons long...
No end in sight, gloomy song...
Stomach roils, Johann burps...
Team advances, "No you jerks!"
Multiverse groans, war drags on..,
Lords take notice, sing peace song..
Johann stomps off, to the loo...
Team is losing, money too...
A layer up, clerks take note...
Johann's chosen, as a joke...
Lightning flashes, tv dies...
Johann curses, Lords arrive...
Lord's of Chaos, Lords of Law...
Who will win, the age old war?
His decision, is their end...
Tv's back on, his team wins...