It snowing really bad outside and i know im going to have to shovel tomorrow. damn!
lesley is in new york. damn!
but life is certainly good since im officially out of debt as of this week. im taking some time off to work on some new music and catch up with myself. if you ever wanted to know somebody who has it all its me. im the luckiest man alive!
lesley is in new york. damn!
but life is certainly good since im officially out of debt as of this week. im taking some time off to work on some new music and catch up with myself. if you ever wanted to know somebody who has it all its me. im the luckiest man alive!

hey finally got a profile pic posted...ha.....when's the new record come out? ours is coming out on tuesday.....we just did our CD release in London (our hometown) went pretty good. looking to tour soon...hopefully we'll make it down your way and we can set up a show....that'd be sweet.....hey, email me your address and i'll send ya a copy of the new record! talk to you soon.
