Ok its been a long time since i updated this thing but im doing just fine. I have been writting and recording the next Damone record and substitute teaching. This week one of our new songs was on that new show Veronica Mars which is cool because its the first new song to be out in the open for the public. The new record should be released sometime next year i can only hope. Actually fuck that i feel very fucking confident it will be out next year because we are the greates band on earth. The only bands better than us are dead.
If anyone out there is interested in meeting my im also on myspace now and its a very interactive site. my user name is the same as SG. Vazquez
Well i hope everyone is doing just fine and dont worry rock and roll never left.
If anyone out there is interested in meeting my im also on myspace now and its a very interactive site. my user name is the same as SG. Vazquez
Well i hope everyone is doing just fine and dont worry rock and roll never left.

Has anybody ever told you, you have pretty hair? Hi.. anyways.
Hey there thanks for contacting me. I'd be happy to offer you our couch if you have any gigs nearby, but since you already live in the area I guess it's kinda silly...