1) I have hypoglycemia. It's a condition where my body produces too much insulin, the opposite of a diabetic. When I eat complex carbohydrates like bread, pretzels, candy, or soda my body's insulin goes into hyperdrive breaking down all of those instant sugars, then continues to break down sugar I don't even have. This results in low-blood sugar and I get the shakes, clammy, dizzy, and anxious. It's really hard to deal with, people always think I'm nervous because my hands will shake, or my body is twitching. I try to entirely stay away from complex carbohydrates and stick to high protein foods, which slows down my insulin production. A lot of people assume I need a candy bar or juice, but that's just 30min temporary fix that will result in even lower blood sugar afterwards. So to control it I snack every two hours on fruits or anything with protein.
2) I was born with extra hair. So this might make you giggle or even grossed out, but apparently this is pretty common. Out of the womb I came 9.5 pounds with a full head of hair on my scalp.... And then some. Hair out of my ears, all over my arms and legs. The doctors told my parents that it's common and the excess hair would fall out in two weeks. It was also all dark brown, and now my natural hair color is dirty blonde.
3) I am a recovered opiate addict. About 3 years ago I started experimenting with Molly when I hit an all time low emotionally. I lost a long relationship, and a child. Just remember saying fuck it and told my friends I wanted to get fucked up. We would do Molly pretty much two-three times a week, and shit around me started getting worse. The scketchiness from the people I was surrounding myself with made me even more cynical than I already was, and I spiraled even further. The come downs were too terrible to bare anymore so I picked up a pill problem that wasn't experimental anymore. Vicodin escalated to Opana in only two weeks, and I was an addict. I pushed away everyone that cared about me because I didn't care about myself anymore. Spent almost $200 a day on my problem, and I wasn't getting high anymore. The next step was heroin, thankfully something dawned on me that the heroin life wasn't for me... I separated from everyone, even my friends I did drugs with, and detoxed alone for 6 months. My body hurt, my head hurt, everything was unbearable and I was a basket case. With all of this, I find positivity in the way I have so much empathy for people who are struggling with any addiction. Recovering has made my will power impeccable and my heart kind. I know that I can pull myself out of any hardship in life, and I choose not to let my hardship be drugs.
4) I never had senior pictures taken for high school. Anytime someone would take a picture of me I would cry, I was very insecure and troubled throughout my whole childhood and all through my first year of college. I went through a roller coaster of manic depressive episodes and an eating disorder. My skin was always crawling. I wanted to love myself more than anything and I guess I did it in the most unconventional way possible. I found out about Suicide Girls when I was in 10th grade and idolized these girls who were different in style, thoughts, and body types. I never saw anything like it, my hometown is very small. One day I was having another episode, and I was like you know what Allie, it's time to buck the fuck up and face your biggest fear. I applied and got a message back that my submission was accepted. That next month I drove to Brooklyn and did my very first photo shoot ever, and it was nude. That day was one of the most elliberating days of my life. Here I am today more acceptant of myself than I ever imagined.
5) I HATE the word moist. Typing it was hard enough.
6) Sheep are my favorite animal. I've never understood exactly why, but I just adore them. You'll see my face light up with anything that involves goats or sheep in general.
7) I've always kept a diary. Since I could write I've talked about my day in a journal whether it's on paper, or online. In high school I started progressing to poetry. If you'd like to see my work I have a blog dedicated to just poetry. Spaceinvaydapoetry.tumblr.com
8) My all time favorite band is Between the Buried and Me. In high school I skipped lunch for a few months and saved all the money my mom gave me to eat to go to three of their shows three days in a row. The only time I ever wrote a fake note was for that very occasion so I could get out early. We went to Erie, PA, Pittsburg, PA, and Cleveland, OH. Probably one of the greatest highlights of my high school career.
9) I've never had a pet. My parents didn't like the idea of them making the house "dirty".... I love animals so much though, and hope to get one of my own fur babies really soon.
10) My favorite food is sushi. If you don't eat sushi and wanna date, that's a deal breaker for me. Sounds petty but I eat sushi at least once a week. I even have a tattoo of a sushi heart roll behind my ear #dedicated
@rambo @missy