This is kinda challenging.
1) I used to play Ice Hockey for three years on a co-ed team with my brother. Wasn't very good, but it was super fun! My fave sport to play.
2) I was in a golf cart accident in the summer of going into 3rd grade. I should have been dead. There is a dent in that tree to this day. It is a funny story now but at the time it was very scary. I turned into a ditch that was pretty much a 90 degree angle, then hit a tree and flipped out of the cart next to pointy rocks and a pond. Blacked out and woke up with a few scratches and a headache. I learned a lot about appreciating to be alive at a young age. And it has also made me realize how fragile life can be. I definitely have something surrounding me that wants me to be alive.
3) I've lived in the same house my entire life. With the exception of staying at my grandparents a few months. Mom cares and wants me to succeed, life in my town is very hard. 70% welfare rate. She doesn't want me to be part of the statistic. However I am aiming to move out in a year or so.
4) I have terrible anxiety problems. Smoking helps me on the inside, but on the outside I can't help to express how I feel when I'm high in my facial expression. Please don't be offended, most of anyone you would talk to that knows me will agree that I am a sweetheart to everyone at first, UNLESS you cross me hardcore. Then I like to ignore and silence you.
5) My little brother is my best friend. Seriously, he is the sweetest person ever. To sum up the kind of brother he is, when we were in deep relationships with our gamboy colors, he bought me a video game so we could play it together. Buying your sister a video game with tooth fairy money is kinda of a big deal.....
I really don't know why we get walked on so hard. But we keep it together.
6) Between the Buried and Me is my favorite band of all time. ALLL TIME. In fact, in high school, me and a group of friends followed them on tour for three days in a row. I don't know about you, but in high school, I didn't have that kind of money, ..... (unless I saved my "lunch money" for months by skipping lunch). Probably some of the best days of my teen years.
7) I've never been stung by a bee..... *knock on wood*
8) I am severely hypoglycemic. Meaning I have over-active insulin, which results in low-blood sugar. People always assume to give me a candy bar, but you're making the problem worse. Protein is my best-friend-food. I should eat every 3 hours, but that's not practical all the time. Makes it really hard to lose weight sometimes...... so I....
9) ...exercise at least 5 days a week, and I've done this ever since I was 16 (I'm 22). My favorite work out is the elliptical. I blow a lot of steam by cranking up the resistance and the tunes. Working out so much has made mind-over-matter so much easier.
10) I just received my cosmetology license for the state of New York this year! It feels amazing to go into work everyday and love what you do for yourself and others. People on this site make me feel good about myself all the time, so I like spreading the love.