My set didn't get enough time on the "Best of SG" when it came to Member Review October 4th, on the day the site was shut down for the relaunch. BUTTTT they listened to me and put it up again on the "Best of SG" today!!! Thanks so much SG I LOVE YOU TO PIECES thank you for listening to me. You made my day :*
Here's a link to "At Sunset" here
Shot by the beautiful soul @sunshine
p.s. Isn't it awesome that we get a notification when someone tags us now ?!?!? #newsg
p.s.s. I miss the smileys, but I'm sure that they will end up returning again. The site keeps getting better and better. Have patience everyone, it's been proven to me that they really are trying and they really do care.
love, Vayda Suicide
lookout for an epic blog in a few weeks *supersecretshootfest*