I have no doubt that I've been lying to myself for a very long time. I've been telling myself that I can't draw, and that I'll never feel the same about it again. This is no masterpiece, it's a 20 minute sketch of Louis Icart's "Smoke". However, I haven't felt this calm and connected to my happy place in a long time. And I'm proud that after months of not even drawing, I can produce something decent in 20 minutes. I should probably draw almost every day and see what happens...
^ I know it's rough, and it's bad camera phone quality picture taking... but I'm proud that I approached this side of myself again. Oh how I have missed you.
By the way I just started using Zivity. The site is kind of confusing so if you guys have any pointers or guidance let me know.

^ I know it's rough, and it's bad camera phone quality picture taking... but I'm proud that I approached this side of myself again. Oh how I have missed you.

By the way I just started using Zivity. The site is kind of confusing so if you guys have any pointers or guidance let me know.

I couldn't draw that well if you gave me 20 DAYS or 20 WEEKS!! You are correct about practice though. Passion and hard work are the keys to most everything in life that you want.
I think it's a really kewl drawing. That's one of the few skills (ok many skills lol) I wish I had. I love artwork but whatever I envision in my head appears to get hit by a bus, then run over by a semi by the time it hits paper.