I have news.
I am now slightly ginger looking haha

I was aiming for blonde, but I kinda like this look and might keep it a while, who knows though with me hahaha

and since it's Valentine's Day and all I think you all deserve a little Badankadonk from yours truely

If you're alone today, remember that you are your own special someone, and no one can take that away from you. I'm so sick of seeing people sad because they don't have a "special someone" on Valentine's Day. Do something to treat yourself. Take care of yourselves lovelies. Have a great day!

I am now slightly ginger looking haha

I was aiming for blonde, but I kinda like this look and might keep it a while, who knows though with me hahaha

and since it's Valentine's Day and all I think you all deserve a little Badankadonk from yours truely

If you're alone today, remember that you are your own special someone, and no one can take that away from you. I'm so sick of seeing people sad because they don't have a "special someone" on Valentine's Day. Do something to treat yourself. Take care of yourselves lovelies. Have a great day!

and I have not had a special someone in about 9 or 10 years now, not really sure of why that is, I guess I have been hiding myself, I want a special someone, trust me when I say that, but there is so many superficial, gold diggers, materialistic women out there, not even sure if a woman theses days knows what true love is really about, sorry, didn't mean to vent, I do hope your day was a beautiful one, peace, love, blessed be, always!!