Hopefully I make some of you smile this morning with this adorable pugseal

hahaha <3
Well my set is still in MR. That's okay though, still staying positive.
I've made a wonderful new friend in my life, and she is a lot like me. I'm so glad I have someone who is 10 minutes away to vent and spill my guts to.
Life is pretty good. And I'm content with that.
I got more work on my tattoo by the wayyyy, not much, but it's all I could afford.

Instagram: @placebosuicide
Tumblr: http://placebosuicide.tumblr.com/
should I make a facebook page? Or just wait to see if I turn pink?

You're so beautiful! I can't wait to see your tattoo completed and your pugseal is ADORABLE! Haha was it hard getting your dog into that costume?
Ima add you to my list of hopefuls on my blog 

LOL ur dog is so cute like that <3 makes me smile in this grey day thk u girl <3