My new love, Eri Sakamoto from Metal Slug, will help me re-enact my weekend.

Last night was awesome, although very hot. Like, literally. First time I've gone dancing in ages, and man...I tell you. Music? Fucking rocked. Felt good! If you're ever in Toronto and want a place to go that's kinda like a nice hole in the wall? Head over to Neutral on Saturdays. Hot as hell, impossible to score a drink, but gooood music. And not a meat market.

Oddly enough though, I think two girls were hitting on me, and I'm dumb enough to sorta get the gist
today. Man. I must have blinders on when I'm dancing.

It turns out I have a friend that's in a band. I had no idea. Anyways, they get onstage and do their thing...but as one person said, it's more about the performance than it is about the music. Evidently the band all got onstage as Harrison Ford (Deckard, Indiana Jones, Han Solo and Dr. Richard Kimball from the fugitive)...another time they re-enacted Aliens, and the lead singer was in the binary load lifter. Epic, man! I totally have to see them now.

My friend Arthur had dumplings for breakfast, and has proclaimed them to be good. I should investigate this further.

By the way, the one really nice thing about Metal Slug is that it's a pretty fun game. It's never really boring, is what I'm saying...so if you have an emulator and have a little bit of free time? Highly recommended that you goof around with it for a little bit. Very fun.
Anyways, that's it for me...back in a few.

Yeah I got some good stories this weekend.