I have a terrible fear.
Wanna hear it? I'll tell you anyways.
I have this fear that role-playing games are a very, very close approximation to real life.
I'm not talking about the meeting dragons and having them turn into gold coins and shit...I'm talking about the character generation part.
See, part of me wonders every once in a while if there's a heaven. And if there was a heaven, then I was a soul. A soul with three six-sided dice in my hand.
And God, the ultimate Dungeon Master, asked me to roll out my stats, and he gave me some fairly average stats overall...and then I started customizing. Took most of my points from strength and threw them into wisdom, not intelligence. Added some points here and there to charisma and maybe dexterity, but nothing for endurance.
And then, the random encounters. GAWD, the random encounters.
Maybe he did give me dragons and orcs and trolls to deal with. Some of those chicks weren't prizes, man. I'm sure I wasn't a total treat, though...after all, I'm pretty sure I've got this sort of neutral-good alignment to me that must really make for some odd choices in life. And let's not forget my character's class...something along the lines of "thief", I'm sure!
And that's my secret fear. That the entire universe is this really big, really geeky role playing game scenario, and I've got these six-sided dice that keep coming up craps.
Ugh. Friday night blues...I'm gonna go out and get wasted. See you guys on Monday! And drop by the Paradise Comics Convention if you're in Toronto! I should be drawing and half-in-the-bag if you arrive!
Go here now if you love me and Tenacious D.
EDIT: Part two of the favourites + Saraphine artwork continues! Check it out over at the Fanart section, or under my artwork...a picture of Flux! Hoo-ray! (Doesn't totally look like her, but y'know...it's kinda cool lookin')
EDIT the Second: S'funny. I'd never actually read Flux's profile before, but reading it now makes me smile like...well, it feels like a little bit of sunshine in my existence, yah? Quite cool!
Wanna hear it? I'll tell you anyways.
I have this fear that role-playing games are a very, very close approximation to real life.
I'm not talking about the meeting dragons and having them turn into gold coins and shit...I'm talking about the character generation part.
See, part of me wonders every once in a while if there's a heaven. And if there was a heaven, then I was a soul. A soul with three six-sided dice in my hand.
And God, the ultimate Dungeon Master, asked me to roll out my stats, and he gave me some fairly average stats overall...and then I started customizing. Took most of my points from strength and threw them into wisdom, not intelligence. Added some points here and there to charisma and maybe dexterity, but nothing for endurance.
And then, the random encounters. GAWD, the random encounters.
Maybe he did give me dragons and orcs and trolls to deal with. Some of those chicks weren't prizes, man. I'm sure I wasn't a total treat, though...after all, I'm pretty sure I've got this sort of neutral-good alignment to me that must really make for some odd choices in life. And let's not forget my character's class...something along the lines of "thief", I'm sure!
And that's my secret fear. That the entire universe is this really big, really geeky role playing game scenario, and I've got these six-sided dice that keep coming up craps.
Ugh. Friday night blues...I'm gonna go out and get wasted. See you guys on Monday! And drop by the Paradise Comics Convention if you're in Toronto! I should be drawing and half-in-the-bag if you arrive!

Go here now if you love me and Tenacious D.
EDIT: Part two of the favourites + Saraphine artwork continues! Check it out over at the Fanart section, or under my artwork...a picture of Flux! Hoo-ray! (Doesn't totally look like her, but y'know...it's kinda cool lookin')
EDIT the Second: S'funny. I'd never actually read Flux's profile before, but reading it now makes me smile like...well, it feels like a little bit of sunshine in my existence, yah? Quite cool!
Amazing pic of Flux...I just saw it, so not long how ago you did it. Wow.
when you put it that way, i find it horribly depressing.