Let's see now. Not too much going on right this minute. I just came home from camping this weekend. It was a nice little break away from home. We (roommate and some friends) went to the Sonoma County coast somewhere around the Salt Point/Fort Ross area. It was beautiful. Too bad one of our camp mates got WAY too drunk and was an intoxicated idiot. The man just kept pushing everyones buttons and pissing each of us off, one at a time untill he got punched and put in a sleeper hold (I'm entitled to lose it once every few years). Other than that idiot, the trip was nice once we got out of camp and away from the ass hole. I enjoyed the company of my roommate and the other 2 friends.
On a seperate note (kind of), I leave in a week for Burningman. I'll be out there for 5 weeks this year. I AM lookin gforward to that.
On a seperate note (kind of), I leave in a week for Burningman. I'll be out there for 5 weeks this year. I AM lookin gforward to that.


thanx a lot for your comment on my rejected set!!