Moving sucks! But being in a new place RAWKS!! Got a place on upper Haight that is $300 a month cheaper than the last. It's also a few blocks from work too. Things are getting a little better now.
It is the elleventh day in a row of 100 degree heat in Sacramento. Yuck!!
Thursday the 27th is my bands first show. Kinda excited, kinda nervous. It's been 11 years since I've been on stage in a band. I'm sure we'll do just fine.
So I'm in Sacramenot right now and IT'S FUCKING HOT!!! My car broke down and is going to cost me a little money, and money is still not rolling in like it has in the past summers. Oh well, gotta deal with it as it comes. Good thing is that I am moving at the end of the month to a new place in SF.... Read More
since when was it up to you who is good enough to be an SG? And I have a huge piece down my ribs which was done after that photo shoot. People aren't born with tattoo's, you have to go get them done. A huge number of girls on this site have a little amount or no tattoos, are you saying they all aren't good enough to be sg's? There are also lots of girls who's tattoo's have grown and have gotten lots more since their first set. Because they aren't covered doesn't make anyone less of an SG.
I just don't understand it. Why is it soooooo slow for me at work? I hate having to think about this but I may have to get a different job. I HATE PUNCHING A TIME CLOCK AND ANSWERING TO FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!
We are wholesaling to other shops and/or professionals., not to individuals who are not in the industry.
We (Sub-Q) are manufacturing body jewelry again, give us a call and we'll send you free samples of our barbells and captive bead rings (bendable by HAND up to 10g). Barbells are internally threaded and complies (and excedes in some categories) with industry standards. Our design is based... Read More
sure wish i coulda met up wit ya!! and i wish i was workin with ya in SF!!! the weather is hot hot hot here!! i think Barnaby will be comin soon, he's gonna melt!!!
hope the move goes well
don't drop anything on your feet