Right, well I'm alive, that much is true.
Been...well busy. Stupidly busy.
I'm quitting work, it's gotten too rediculous.
Have to find another job. Or, y'know, become a rock superstar.
Basically I was working every hour ever and I'll only ever see pay for regular hours.
Working for free is just not on.
I had to stab Windows Vista in the eye and put back on XP. Nothing worked.
I appear to have appropriated a girl. She's back from Venice.
Early days, we'll see how things go.
I will have to watch myself though, she's killed before.
Well, today, she's killed today.
She reversed over her family dog of 14 years.
I've not been taking many photos, went for a very late night walk last week to try and clear some thoughts from my head and took a few.
That was the first time I'd snapped anything since New York.
It was a very rough few weeks, I like the way the universe decided to try and save me, throwing me someone I could properly connect with and have some fun for the first time in ages.
Way to save the day there cosmos. You're a shit most of the time, I never thought you'd save me but you did.
Moving back out is on hold as I can't commit to the expense if my job situation isn't certain. Was even looking at Visa's for working abroad. Oz is apparently crying out for skilled workers. It would mean I'd have to return to IT but I guess it'd be something.
Plus better weather.
I do thiink I should be an international rock star though.
I'm sitting here listening to Muse rock the shit out of my newly tweaked speakers and PC.
I'm gonna go wipe the dust and cobwebs off of my Fender....

Been...well busy. Stupidly busy.
I'm quitting work, it's gotten too rediculous.
Have to find another job. Or, y'know, become a rock superstar.
Basically I was working every hour ever and I'll only ever see pay for regular hours.
Working for free is just not on.
I had to stab Windows Vista in the eye and put back on XP. Nothing worked.
I appear to have appropriated a girl. She's back from Venice.
Early days, we'll see how things go.
I will have to watch myself though, she's killed before.
Well, today, she's killed today.
She reversed over her family dog of 14 years.
I've not been taking many photos, went for a very late night walk last week to try and clear some thoughts from my head and took a few.
That was the first time I'd snapped anything since New York.
It was a very rough few weeks, I like the way the universe decided to try and save me, throwing me someone I could properly connect with and have some fun for the first time in ages.
Way to save the day there cosmos. You're a shit most of the time, I never thought you'd save me but you did.
Moving back out is on hold as I can't commit to the expense if my job situation isn't certain. Was even looking at Visa's for working abroad. Oz is apparently crying out for skilled workers. It would mean I'd have to return to IT but I guess it'd be something.
Plus better weather.
I do thiink I should be an international rock star though.
I'm sitting here listening to Muse rock the shit out of my newly tweaked speakers and PC.
I'm gonna go wipe the dust and cobwebs off of my Fender....

Damnit, always with the dwarves

Right, pints in April then!