Okay, lets keep in mind that I was 14.
Possibly younger.
Still new and fresh at Durban, my friends were all into punk. Okay, that isn't so bad. Until you factor in that the ultimate band at that time was Tweak. Yes, that is right. My first concert was in a church hall (no lies) with a local band called Tweak as the main band.
Of course it was super exciting. We all got dressed up. I wore my best baggy boys clothes (unfortunately non of those photo's remain). Yes, I used to wear boys clothes. And I weighed a whopping 30kg's. The only give away that I was a girl was my long hair.
So yeah, we bought t-shirts (which has long since disappeared), The Romantic Lure of Possum Worship (also long since lost) and bounced around like energizer bunnies.
^^ yeah, that is the best image I could get of the album. It was apparently released in 2001.
Of course the gig finished at a reasonable time (7pm) and we all piled into my friends mom's minivan to go get take-away and listen to the awesome of what was Tweak in all our girly fandom glee.
Now, if you are not judging me yet, here is a version of their song 'Birthday Card' which we used to sing horrendously at the top of our voices whenever it played.
Oh yes... it is really that bad.
Like I said, I was 14. It was a big deal.
And you know what, it may be shit music but at least the memories associated are awesome and full of fun and laughter. Sometimes that is what counts the most.
Hopefully the next homework assignment by @missy and @rambo will be less embarrassing.
Until then.... ideas for video blog things are more than welcome!