I wish I could write a fantastical tale about how an awesome blue box was discovered by me in an obscure alleyway in the centre of town. I would love to say that as I was about to take a photo of the random obvious Doctor Who prop, a tallish man dressed in the most suave clothing you have ever seen grabbed my hand and pulled me into the box with no other word other than 'RUN!'
The last thing that I had noticed of the outside world is an explosion seeming to come from under the city centre as the door shut closed.
I wish I could tell you how magical the sound of the TARDIS really is. How the BBC haven’t really captured its magnificence.
Oh and how big the TARDIS is. You cannot possibly begin to fathom its size. Nor could you ever imagine how erratic the Doctor is. Rushing around, pulling knobs and levers, twisting dials and pushing buttons. How with every move he makes he mutters something then contradicts himself causing a whole new flurry of activity. How you are struck dumb at the entire process, a strange anxious excitement building up in your tummy.
I wish I could write that since Monday, 31st March, I have been exploring space and time. That I had been to a planet where I was worshipped as a goddess because of my tattoos. Of course this led to an interesting rescue attempt involving sleight of hand, misdirection, a sonic screwdriver and so much running. Who would have thought that in order for me to take my rightful place with the gods I had to be sacrificed!
I wish I could tell you how we met a young Salvador Dali and took him on an adventure which lead us to a strange pocket universe where time and perspective was so badly distorted it changed him forever.
I wish that I could tell you about a million of adventures had among the stars, about getting stuck in one of the TARDIS bathrooms (apparently even TARDIS's have bathroom doors which hate me.... and you try calling for help). Or even the time when I accidently got us stuck in the time vortex due to my clumsiness and hitting the wrong button.
I wish I could tell you that I helped defeat Daleks, ran from Weeping Angels, blew up Cybermen. I wish I could tell you that I met and survived the Master (who is back by the way) and experienced every single moment of impossible worlds which I can hardly describe.
However, that has not been my week. In fact in reality this week has only taken the normal amount of time. It just feels like it has taken a month.
On the 31st of March at 9:30 my parents were on a their brand new BMW tour bike for a drive up the hill to take my father to see a new doctor who would help him manage his medication better… as well as get him some help for his alcohol dependency.
They had just pulled off from a petrol station on the side of the highway, and travelling at 160kmph when my Dad noticed slow traffic up ahead. Naturally he started to reduce his speed gradually when some twit decided that would be a good time to speed up. The result was the back wheel of my father’s bike being taken out, and a five car pile-up.
My father went skidding about 40 metres with the bike at just under 160kmph. He was wearing full Kevlar as well as a really expensive helmet. He still sustained a large roasty down the right side of his back where the jacket eventually pulled up. He also had a burn on his elbow and on his butt (in the perfect shape of a coin…). He is black and blue and feeling every second of his (soon to be) 60 years.
My mother flew backwards back into the car that hit them. She fell onto her right wrist instantly breaking it in two places. Unlike my father, the only protection my mom was wearing was a full helmet (an unusual occurrence for her as they make her claustrophobia but my Dad had just bought a nifty new gadget that allowed them to talk to each other on the bike which didn’t work in her half helmet) and a leather jacket with no extra padding. The jeans she had on were a soft light stretch material and she wasn’t wearing gloves.
The result is that she is missing layers of skin down her left side as well as across her stomach and knees. Her one knee lost skin down to the bone. In various patched along her left side some of the subcutaneous fat was pushing out along with muscle. There was just enough dermis left around those patches to enable stitching instead of a skin graft. She is also missing skin off her left hand. During her impact she managed to sustain a lung injury. This, along with having a chest cold prior to the accident, lead to her getting pneumonia.
She spent her birthday and my graduation (to which only my boyfriend really came to although my Dad and sister did stop by) in hospital. This naturally made her very upset. Not to mention that like myself, morphine does nothing for pain for my mom. So of course she snuck some Syndol (which is full of codeine) while on morphine.
She is home now, but has to miss her upcoming trip to Phuket as her lungs will not be strong enough to withstand the flight (not to mention the gross germ filled people who travel on aeroplanes!)
The good news is that both my parents are alive (albeit slightly black and blue and patchy) as well as both being home (finally)
Both my sister and I are incredibly tired from hospital visits.
^^ My sister and myself.
^^ Graduation: Plus side I got a cupcake... downside I did not get a wand nor an owl
So that is where I have been up until now.
Will catch up on the SG homework as soon as I can, maybe make a video out of it.
Is there anything anyone wants to know about me? I hear we are supposed to give 10 random facts.