So, this will be Take 3 of 3 in my attempt to put up a new blog.
And, goddamn it, I am totally going to start this blog with @fische in her leather jacket looking totally hot with orange hair because !!!! that is why. This of course was taken from her Fire set
So, naturally as this is the third attempt of putting a blog up, I am very much in the air about the new SG. I do realize that there are going to be glitches and problems, but blogging was a main thing on the site. I also miss having set titles and descriptions and actually knowing when something was an actual set or just random photos.
For the most part, I have sorted out all my newsfeed settings, and it makes a whole lot more sense than my newsfeed on the old SG. I kinda like the follower system, as long as I don't have to play team followback (that is why I have twitter damnit!).
Yes, I am still sad about the whole thing was handled, but seeing as my so called friends are still being dipshits about it, I think both sides are now equally covered in proverbial poo. So, a message to those of you still lingering around -> the site has changed. My advice is Get Over It. It is very unlikely it is going to change back and if you get passed your obvious psychological issues against change you will see that the new SG has some pretty cool features which help the community in a good way. Like knowing when someone has replied to you in a thread. A little notification pops up. Once you get used to having to click the 'my groups' tab, everything is there like it was on the old SG. Yes, it has some significant glitches, but nothing is ever perfect.
So yeah, here is weird music video which makes me think of what Lady Gaga would be like if she decided to do Metal instead of Pop
I think I may be more okay with big changes and the difficulties that come with it because I left G. For those of you who know, or don't know or never paid attention or whatever of the above: it was a three year relationship with a year hiatus in there somewhere. I am very sad about the ending of the relationship and still love him very much. It was unfortunately the best choice for both of us. Maybe one day I will go into more detail, just suffice to say that I am getting used to another change.
Don't worry about any platitudes of 'time will heal' and all the other bullshit people spew when relationships end. I am writing this 3weeks after the fact and I am still a Psych Honours student. We learn a thing or two about this ;)
I made him a mixed CD because the breakup occurred the day before his birthday (totally not by choice, and yes, I will conceded completely shit timing and I still feel guilty about it), so here is one of the songs from that CD. I think it explains itself.
And after that misery, I think you deserve something special for putting up and reading this far. So I give you, on the internet again after many many many moons, my boobs
And now hopefully this loads.
Will see if I can do a video blog too at some stage, just because I know you guys love hearing me talk crap.
until then
(I miss the emoticons!!!)