So, brief catch up: heartbreak, meds, training, work and the Avengers.
We are going to skip over the heartbreak part. Needless to say I am tired of the same old sobbing routine. Trying not to let it bug me.
In terms of meds.... well new drug for my arthritis. Seems to actually be working, which I guess is great news. The bad news? Well, long term use can cause blindness. I mean seriously, is there nothing for the treatment of arthritis that does not have a stupid side affect?
I am possibly going to be taking a sabbatical from training. Well at least for this week. I love my kung fu, but due to the a fore mentioned heartbreak, I think maybe its time to maybe let it go. Its going to be a tough decision, as my kung fu has been a major part of my life since 2007. I spend more time at the kung fu school then anywhere else, have sacrificed friendships, relationships, and a social life to get where I am within my kung fu. There is also my awesome sword which will become just a wall decoration of failure and the fact that if I leave now I will never get to learn fan as a weapon.
Well, just for fun, some pictures of me with my sword:
Work tip: Never work for your family. Especially if it involves a sport you don't enjoy or working with a type of personality characterized by negativity and the inability to finish simple tasks or to do anything which resembles work at all
Now, for the awesome part of my blog: The Avengers!
Who watched it? OMG, is it not awesome???? I wasn't as excited as most about the film (I mean, I have my comic book hero who I am completely obsessed with) but it truly impressed me. I have rekindled my love for the Hulk. Wasn't he just epic? Also Bruce Banner was seriously cool. I loved the one liners too. I am trying not to add spoilers in case anyone has not gone to watch it (Seriously, if you haven't, wtf are you doing? Stop reading my blog and go watch it NOW!)
Of course, no blog is complete without pictures of sexy ladies I decided to go with sets that have the best smiles in them (because it makes me feel better).
So, go check these sets out (if you haven't already)
So to end off, I give you random pictures from the inter webs:
Promise to blog when I have happy news of awesomeness (or at least to be in a better mood when I blog next )
Lastly, my favorite smile in a set:
Lumo in A Strange Fortune
(*Edited to add that I will fix the photo sizing at a later stage. To lazy to do so now )
What do you think of my new pants?!