Looks like I'm going to bite the bullet and head into work tonight. How bad can it be? Mono seems to be subsiding, in me at least but im trying not to spread it around. Well, unless i really dont like someone... or really like them.
Got the keys to my apartment and i cant wait to start moving in. Hmm first bed then blinds and then rest of stuff. I'm shooting for being done sometime this weekend. And help my girlfriend get situated in her new place. Hmm have to get that bed moved out too
Hopefully my car will be running reliably by the time i start living there. Then we'll get that pond installed and a wolf cichlid. Just for you

Got the keys to my apartment and i cant wait to start moving in. Hmm first bed then blinds and then rest of stuff. I'm shooting for being done sometime this weekend. And help my girlfriend get situated in her new place. Hmm have to get that bed moved out too

Hopefully my car will be running reliably by the time i start living there. Then we'll get that pond installed and a wolf cichlid. Just for you

yay for the fishys! i can't sleep...
Walk the plank ya scurvy dog,....oh yeah arrrrggggggghhhh