Ahh sweet winter .... depression that is. Something about cold weather and gray skies really gets me down, not to mention 3rd shift and not seeing the sun.
On the upside my cold is going away. Still no word on that supervisor postion but hey im a patient guy. i can wait for good things, it just makes that much better when it happens.
I have some more film ideas, so its time to get james brain working and more tapes for the video camera. Dont worry im sure the sentence will be lowered in court.
At least my girlfriend is pulling me through this stuff. Sometimes she is the one thing that makes me happy after a hard night of work.
I'll make it up to her sometime soon.

On the upside my cold is going away. Still no word on that supervisor postion but hey im a patient guy. i can wait for good things, it just makes that much better when it happens.

I have some more film ideas, so its time to get james brain working and more tapes for the video camera. Dont worry im sure the sentence will be lowered in court.
At least my girlfriend is pulling me through this stuff. Sometimes she is the one thing that makes me happy after a hard night of work.

hey sexy...thanks...what are your film ideas..still going to do the musical ninja one?
lol...you like the banana? I spent 30 minutes making it, and another 10 when I found out the journal doesn't show the spaces you put in, so I had to replace the spaces with periods. I have too much free time at nights...lataz