Whoo looks like im drunk. Six shots later and i think ive hit m;y limit. or was it seven. Lots and lots of everclear added to each shot. no beer yet.
maddy keeeps attacking me,m but thats definitely okay.
guess this is a good enough update since everyone is here. Having a great time in the ville at my apartment. everytone is trying to ficx...
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maddy keeeps attacking me,m but thats definitely okay.
guess this is a good enough update since everyone is here. Having a great time in the ville at my apartment. everytone is trying to ficx...
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next week same bat time same bat chanel

i have a headache.
Had an awesome night saturday. Had the whol SG gang over, except for yawf. Micah you will have to drag her here next time.
Found out my tolerance to Tequila is higher than i thought, no passing out this time.
All of you are welcome to hang out any time. And i hope youre set turns out awesome Grayce, cause you have such...
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Found out my tolerance to Tequila is higher than i thought, no passing out this time.
All of you are welcome to hang out any time. And i hope youre set turns out awesome Grayce, cause you have such...
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WHOOO! I WANNA COME BACK HOME! i maen to louisville! i'm drunk =) lol yay for updates! its about time!
my set rocks =) thank you guys so much for sharing your space and letting me get nakie on the stairs!
everyone needs to come up to cincinnati some time... i want people to play at my place too!!
my set rocks =) thank you guys so much for sharing your space and letting me get nakie on the stairs!
everyone needs to come up to cincinnati some time... i want people to play at my place too!!

that is so weird you didn't pass out...oh yeah and i finished

Guess I'm looking forward to the burlesque show, even if it causes you to want to do it. I still support you

WHOO!!! write in your journal!!! (thanks for letting me stay at your place!!)

WHOO!!! write in your journal!!! (thanks for letting me stay at your place!!)

Apartment is finally warm.
Guess changing the filters and thermostat did the trick. Still kinda boring here, but at least my roommates are cool. Get cable internet thursday. Woo Hoo - no more slow shared DSL.
Still trying to think of a way to keep you occupied for 3.5Hrs cause i want you here when i come back.
Thanks for dressing up for me. ill...
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Still trying to think of a way to keep you occupied for 3.5Hrs cause i want you here when i come back.
Thanks for dressing up for me. ill...
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yeah yeah yeah's?
I still mean everything i said above. i just hung up because you called and then ... you wanted to to get right back off again. ?? Sunddenly it was like oh wait, im too busy to talk.
still love you
still love you
Looks like I'm going to bite the bullet and head into work tonight. How bad can it be? Mono seems to be subsiding, in me at least but im trying not to spread it around. Well, unless i really dont like someone... or really like them.
Got the keys to my apartment and i cant wait to start moving in. Hmm first bed then blinds...
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Got the keys to my apartment and i cant wait to start moving in. Hmm first bed then blinds...
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yay for the fishys! i can't sleep...
Walk the plank ya scurvy dog,....oh yeah arrrrggggggghhhh

Still enjoying mono and wont be going in to work tonight. Sorta feel better, but wont know until they do another blood test this friday.
Signed the lease for the apartment and $500 bucks lighter in my bank account. Just waiting for my new roomies to pay theyre amount so we can get the keys and start moving in. Cant wait to have some alone...
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Signed the lease for the apartment and $500 bucks lighter in my bank account. Just waiting for my new roomies to pay theyre amount so we can get the keys and start moving in. Cant wait to have some alone...
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fish sex!
and other sex.
Opera was a good time, but all those subtitles make me sleepy. Good Job Pyrate on the menacing look, from what i could see from the balcony anyway.
Was waiting for you to make other actors walk plank into orchestra pit.
Still enjoying sickness, not sure what though.
May be getting an apartment very soon
hint Maddy. be nice to live on own for...
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Still enjoying sickness, not sure what though.
May be getting an apartment very soon

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nope not at all, just some of it sounded like fun
hmmm looks like its time for bed....
Need sun and temperatures over 50 degrees.
We could cruise in the Z with the T-Tops down, pummeling innocent bystandards with a Famas...lol. Can't wait till it warms up.

you need heat in your car
Ahh sweet winter .... depression that is. Something about cold weather and gray skies really gets me down, not to mention 3rd shift and not seeing the sun.
On the upside my cold is going away. Still no word on that supervisor postion but hey im a patient guy. i can wait for good things, it just makes that much better when it happens.
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On the upside my cold is going away. Still no word on that supervisor postion but hey im a patient guy. i can wait for good things, it just makes that much better when it happens.

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hey sexy...thanks...what are your film ideas..still going to do the musical ninja one?
lol...you like the banana? I spent 30 minutes making it, and another 10 when I found out the journal doesn't show the spaces you put in, so I had to replace the spaces with periods. I have too much free time at nights...lataz
Last day of peak season at my work.
Finally i get to rest on my laurels so to speak and enjoy the vacation time that ive amassed.
Trying to get payed more always has that pesky responsiblity thing attached. If only I could just tell them to up my salary because, hey they need me! I dont think more responsibility and blue mohawk mix.
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Trying to get payed more always has that pesky responsiblity thing attached. If only I could just tell them to up my salary because, hey they need me! I dont think more responsibility and blue mohawk mix.
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I think you would look better in pink, but what do I know?

but you can't get rid of the blue mohawk you already have!