I am working on some photography but the imaging size is an issue at the moment. More later.
More Blogs
Saturday Jul 01, 2006
We have like 8 PC's on 1 router, all PC's work fine but 2 and I think… -
Thursday Jun 22, 2006
The bitch is back online, yes me, fully back with my pimp ass connect… -
Thursday Jun 15, 2006
Upon my death, shed no tears, Sing no songs, show no fears, I'm o… -
Wednesday Jun 14, 2006
"Evolution does not have any effect on humans. There is no survival o… -
Monday Jun 05, 2006
Bought some stuff at the flea market yesterday, got me a new 6.1 surr… -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
So bored, and tired. Work could very well be killing me. But those ar… -
Wednesday May 24, 2006
I am off the net for a few more days. But I will be back soon.... -
Wednesday May 10, 2006
Likin my new job, its pretty easy in a sense. Other than that I j… -
Friday Apr 28, 2006
my headaches are getting worse, I think I will be going to the doctor… -
Monday Apr 24, 2006
Its my birthday....damn it ........give me stuff....