Rocky Horror Picture Show fan
I'm glad it's entertaining you. I do write a lot, and it's good if people like it.
I'll go to bed now. It's 01:30 here, it's the middle of the night and I've got to go to work tomorrow.
I don't know what the current time is at your place so I don't know if I'm supossed to say "have a nice day", or "sleep tight".
Oh God, I thought you wrote "what is a RHPS fan" *blushing*
Now I really need to get some sleep.
By the way, nothing wrong with that. It's absolute great, I love the show.
I'm glad it's entertaining you. I do write a lot, and it's good if people like it.
I'll go to bed now. It's 01:30 here, it's the middle of the night and I've got to go to work tomorrow.
I don't know what the current time is at your place so I don't know if I'm supossed to say "have a nice day", or "sleep tight".
Now I really need to get some sleep.
By the way, nothing wrong with that. It's absolute great, I love the show.