Ok, I've been a bad SG'er lately.. Suppose I've been distracted by other things lately (like hanging with my boy and Emma) Took a trip to New Orleans with the boy last month, I'll probably add pics here soon.. Drank some hand grenades on Bourbon street, twas good times! I have no idea what they put in those things, but it does the job! Then I got a nice sparkly promise ring from my sweet boyfriend while sitting in Jackson Square Park, so romantic! Other than that, there's nothing really much new going on.. Sort of in a holding pattern for the moment until we figure out what Evan will be doing in the fall, either teaching or in the Masters program at OU in Athens.. The teaching job would be superb though, but either way we'll be co-habitating by the end of the summer.
Well, I think that's all I've got for now, I hope you all are doing well, wherever you may be.


How the heck are you?!
I'm gonna try to make it back to Ohio at some point this summer to see some of the ladies....we should coordinate or something!