So I suppose I should post a blog since I haven't updated lately... Not too much new to report really... I've got my laptop up and running, for the moment... I spent like 2 hours on the phone with Verizon Technical Support last night talking to some dude named Rakeesh or something like that... but in the end, he did thank me for my amount of "technical knowledge" because apparently it made things easier on his end... Made me feel good cause I was thinking he was pretty peeved at having been on the phone with me for that long... While I was on the phone with him though I was being entertained via text message by someone rather special He was so amazingly patient while I was working to get back online so we could chat... I'm thinkin I've fallen pretty hard for him and it is a constant amazement to me that he keeps coming back for more... He's sort of opened my eyes to see myself again and it's sort of unfamiliar territory, I must admit.. It's amazing what someone else's love for you does to the way you see yourself.. (I think that makes sense) I had gotten so self conscious and I find I'm not that way with him... It feels good to be confident and sure of myself.. and sure of his love for me as well...
On that note, I'm going to stop blabbing your ear off with all my mushy crap... I hope you're all having a good week so far!
On that note, I'm going to stop blabbing your ear off with all my mushy crap... I hope you're all having a good week so far!
t'adore mon cher!