So I've been uploading some pics of myself onto the site, only problem is that I find it only works when I use the "edit album" function and do one pic at a time, suck ass.. I'll be here forever! But anyway, give them a look and lemme know whatcha think!
On another note, I just started taking some classes online through University of Phoenix.. It's cool so far, let's hope it stays that way!
Happy July all! Hugs and Boobies!
On another note, I just started taking some classes online through University of Phoenix.. It's cool so far, let's hope it stays that way!
Happy July all! Hugs and Boobies!
Just a note to say great pics and beautiful eyes...hazel or pale blue? I love a woman with those wonderful curves, can't wait for more! Happy Canada day and Independence Day(sans Will Smith) Peace Bill
hello dear, I'm new too but looks like you've been studying hard ;D