So, thanks to the generosity of some anonymous person, I'M BACK! Since we talked last I've moved, started back to college, and gotten engaged. Guess I actually do have some stuff to update this time around! Me and the boy are still going strong, had our 1 year anniversary on November 22nd and then got engaged on Thanksgiving We've been living together since about the... Read More
So I just looked and realized I'd not posted a blog since the beginning of April. So shameful! I'll give you a little update, for those of you who still read this. Things are still going well with the boy. Trying to make plans to move in together around end of July/August, once we figure out for sure where we're gonna be. I am still... Read More
Ok, I've been a bad SG'er lately.. Suppose I've been distracted by other things lately (like hanging with my boy and Emma) Took a trip to New Orleans with the boy last month, I'll probably add pics here soon.. Drank some hand grenades on Bourbon street, twas good times! I have no idea what they put in those things, but it does the job! Then... Read More
I figured I would see you there, and was disappointed when my favourite redhead didn't show!
I'm gonna try to make it back to Ohio at some point this summer to see some of the ladies....we should coordinate or something!
I've been a bad blogger lately.. Not too much to update.. Things are going smashingly well with the boy I'll put some pics from our lovely Valentine's Day up on here when I get the chance.. I've been sewing a lot lately, which is always good times.. I inherited my mom's old sewing machine, it's like 40 something years old and still ticking along!
HEY I got your friend request on FB BUT my FB is all buggered up. I dont knwo whats wrong with it but I can only see my home page and comment there, I cant get to my profile page, and my FRIENDS pages. So all I can do at the moment is PM... or respond on my home page. I dont know wtf is going on with it. sigh
Small update for toute le monde! We're gearing up around here to get back into our normal schedule of things- School, work, waiting for Fridays, etc... It has been a very full 2 weeks of Christmas break around here, and it's been sooo nice being able to be with the boy during that time.. I've got my internet back now, and my tv as well,... Read More
I'm baaaaack!!! I've got my internet back up and running now, and just in time to wish you all a safe and Happy New Year! I'll post more once I get time, feel free to leave me lots of love and I promise I'll get to you all as soon as I can!
So I didn't fall off the face of the earth, in case any of you were wondering.. I have no internet currently, so I will be in and out for a while until I can get some cash flowage to get my stuff back on.. So please feel free to leave me messages so I'll have something to check out when I do get to... Read More
Sunday evening and it's time for an update.. The boy just left It's shitty weather here, raining, so it was really best he got on the road at a more decent hour.. There's a little update for those of you interested in details about said boy under the spoiler
So after talking with my mom on the phone this morning, it looks like I will be learning the ropes of how to do Thanksgiving this year... and I am kinda psyched about it It also means I will have some control over how the bird gets cooked too, and I am so freaking brining that bird Alton Brown style.. Damn skippy!!
welcome home, darling