So what's crappening?
No much.
The weekend involved way too much spending. Between the lines...Drinking. The Friday night hangover lasted til 8.30pm Saturday. Put a stop to that by starting again and dressing in a navy 70's flared suit with electric blue pinstripe. Had a great night.
So, so glad that I have no plans for this weekend.
Hopefully I am getting some more colour added. Kusanagi hasn't healed as well as I expected. Couple of scabby bits. I know, don't pick or scratch. Haven't been and her bikini line is a little puffy and on the pink side....Oh and some of it has dropped out from clothes rubbing. I know now, not what to wear.
The excitement for the week. I came equal first in my works footy tipping comp. Last week I was trailing by one. This week I have $80 odd dollars extra in my pocket. Happy with that.
There you have it. Officially, a ramble.
No much.
The weekend involved way too much spending. Between the lines...Drinking. The Friday night hangover lasted til 8.30pm Saturday. Put a stop to that by starting again and dressing in a navy 70's flared suit with electric blue pinstripe. Had a great night.
So, so glad that I have no plans for this weekend.
Hopefully I am getting some more colour added. Kusanagi hasn't healed as well as I expected. Couple of scabby bits. I know, don't pick or scratch. Haven't been and her bikini line is a little puffy and on the pink side....Oh and some of it has dropped out from clothes rubbing. I know now, not what to wear.
The excitement for the week. I came equal first in my works footy tipping comp. Last week I was trailing by one. This week I have $80 odd dollars extra in my pocket. Happy with that.
There you have it. Officially, a ramble.
heh, I got a credit card so I went shopping and bought a lot of tops. 

don't worry, it's only a matter of time before I sell it, buy bigger and owe on it forever