Hey SG people, it's me again.
I just came home from hanging out in town with a friend of mine, her boy and others dudes i don't really know.
I'm a little oopsy dumbsy, or tired, or both.
It takes me 20 minutes to go from the center to my home. I have a little time to think about my condition during the ride (i don't know if ride is the right term when you are a pedestrian, but now you know that i'm a pedestrian)
I am the same little girl, with her stupid bangs. My vocabulary is just a little more rude now.
I laugh and say naughty things very loud, i talk to strangers with a stunning fluency.
The girl comes home alone though, with sad songs in her head, watching the stars (yep, she streches her head while walking, so what?) and thinking of how graceful her life could be if only she knew what to do with herself.
Everything still remains the same i guess. Extimacy makes you jump beyond the swirl of intimacy.
I just came home from hanging out in town with a friend of mine, her boy and others dudes i don't really know.
I'm a little oopsy dumbsy, or tired, or both.
It takes me 20 minutes to go from the center to my home. I have a little time to think about my condition during the ride (i don't know if ride is the right term when you are a pedestrian, but now you know that i'm a pedestrian)
I am the same little girl, with her stupid bangs. My vocabulary is just a little more rude now.
I laugh and say naughty things very loud, i talk to strangers with a stunning fluency.
The girl comes home alone though, with sad songs in her head, watching the stars (yep, she streches her head while walking, so what?) and thinking of how graceful her life could be if only she knew what to do with herself.
Everything still remains the same i guess. Extimacy makes you jump beyond the swirl of intimacy.
j'espre que tu vas bien