Heya people, I have decided to cancel my member ship to SG. SO I will be leaving in a few days.
I have enjoyed my stay here, but Im a member of to many sites and I have to sacrifice some of them. Sadly SG is one of them.
Who knows, maybe I will join the site again on a later occasion but for now... Bye bye.
I'll see if I can manage to take the tour tomorrow and say goodbye to everyone of my friends here, but now it's sleepy time.
I have enjoyed my stay here, but Im a member of to many sites and I have to sacrifice some of them. Sadly SG is one of them.
Who knows, maybe I will join the site again on a later occasion but for now... Bye bye.
I'll see if I can manage to take the tour tomorrow and say goodbye to everyone of my friends here, but now it's sleepy time.
bye!!!!! i havent' quite figured out how people could not love this site, but eh, to each their own. good luck in all your future endevears or however you spell that!
yeah, people need to spend less time on the internet overall