Hello digital photorealistic tattooed lipstick-smeared world of buttcheeks and beyond!
Yes, you remember me.
No, I haven't been neglecting you...yes, they all do say that...no, I mean, uhm....
yes, I have been very very busy. Okay! Yeah, I should've called you. No, I mean, yep, sheesh...just listen!
Well, anyway, just letting you know, maybe we should take some time off...you know, go our separate ways....
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Yes, you remember me.
No, I haven't been neglecting you...yes, they all do say that...no, I mean, uhm....
yes, I have been very very busy. Okay! Yeah, I should've called you. No, I mean, yep, sheesh...just listen!
Well, anyway, just letting you know, maybe we should take some time off...you know, go our separate ways....
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Hello digital photorealistic tattooed lipstick-smeared sexy world!
Wow, has it really been that long?
Yeah, I know I dont talk to you as often as I should. Yep, I know our relationship is kinda one sided...but then again...I met someone. She is called the real world. And shes a beauty.
So please excuse me for not calling as often as I should.
I know you...
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Wow, has it really been that long?
Yeah, I know I dont talk to you as often as I should. Yep, I know our relationship is kinda one sided...but then again...I met someone. She is called the real world. And shes a beauty.
So please excuse me for not calling as often as I should.
I know you...
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Aber wirklich, schm dich, dass du die arme Internet-Welt so vernachlssigst.
Wirklich hbsche Bilder habt ihr zwei da gemacht!

Wirklich hbsche Bilder habt ihr zwei da gemacht!
Dann solltest du dir aber entweder ne reiche Alte zulegen oder eine mit Connections zu nem Hoteldirektor.
Du kannst natrlich auch einfach uns fragen, wenn du mal in dieses tolle Hotel fahren willst, dann organisieren wir dir auch ne gute Rate.

Du kannst natrlich auch einfach uns fragen, wenn du mal in dieses tolle Hotel fahren willst, dann organisieren wir dir auch ne gute Rate.
Holy shit,
this blog is kinda pathetic. I only drop by occasionally to complain about not writing enough in here...
I probably should cut back somewhat on my real life...
this blog is kinda pathetic. I only drop by occasionally to complain about not writing enough in here...
I probably should cut back somewhat on my real life...

schon, real-life ist sowas von berbewertet
haste dein auto von den italienern loseisen knnen oder hastes gleich verkauft?

haste dein auto von den italienern loseisen knnen oder hastes gleich verkauft?
Has it really been that long?
Been absent for a while....and its been even longer since I actually posted a new blog.
Thanks to my sugar daddy DerHollaender my account got reactivated.
So heres to a new beginning...
Whats new?
Well, where do I start?
Well...I started dating again. Weird. I chose to remain "abstinent" for a year now and its been a couple...
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Has it really been that long?
Been absent for a while....and its been even longer since I actually posted a new blog.
Thanks to my sugar daddy DerHollaender my account got reactivated.
So heres to a new beginning...
Whats new?
Well, where do I start?
Well...I started dating again. Weird. I chose to remain "abstinent" for a year now and its been a couple...
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du kannst dir gar nicht vorstellen wie ich mich dann auf donnerstag freue
und jaaaaa mein set geht online, ENDLICH !!!!!!!

und jaaaaa mein set geht online, ENDLICH !!!!!!!
Was bistn du berhaupt fr einer? Kenn ich dich schon?
Bin seit letztem Sommer nicht so oft in der Germany Gruppe. Da verpass ich anscheinend viel.
Bin seit letztem Sommer nicht so oft in der Germany Gruppe. Da verpass ich anscheinend viel.
Happy birthday Jesus!!!
Will be posting news soon!
Will be posting news soon!
ganz genau wissen wirs noch nicht aber so wies jetzt aussieht werden wir mal die kostenlosen clubs abklappern. ich denke die party fngt im laden an und dann machen wir uns irgendwann auf den weg. wann kommst du an? pennst du hier?
Back from Berlin!
after a funny 5 1/2 hour drive with a french girl (with the most awesomest accent ever), I arrived in Berlin last thursday. I had scheduled a session with Jef Palumbo of "la boucherie moderne" in Belgium.
He is the friendliest, most laid-back, honest, smart and coolest tattoo artist I have ever met.
We spend all of the afternoon, working on the...
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after a funny 5 1/2 hour drive with a french girl (with the most awesomest accent ever), I arrived in Berlin last thursday. I had scheduled a session with Jef Palumbo of "la boucherie moderne" in Belgium.
He is the friendliest, most laid-back, honest, smart and coolest tattoo artist I have ever met.
We spend all of the afternoon, working on the...
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na wenn du die hektiker getroffen hast war das alleine doch neben dem tattoo schon die reise wert, oder?
Naa naaa, wo sind die Fotos vom Treffen?
Ich werd brigens morgen oder bermorgen das Travelling Notebook verschicken (sobald Temper mir ihre Adresse geschickt hat). Also wenn du es noch sehen/was reinschrieben mchtest, solltest du in den nchsten zwei Tagen bei uns vorbeikommen oder so.
Ich werd brigens morgen oder bermorgen das Travelling Notebook verschicken (sobald Temper mir ihre Adresse geschickt hat). Also wenn du es noch sehen/was reinschrieben mchtest, solltest du in den nchsten zwei Tagen bei uns vorbeikommen oder so.
Hatte schon ne prosivorische Fllung drin, ist rausgebrochen und der nchste Termin ist Montag...sn.
Geniales Piercing!
Geniales Piercing!
fica bem porque tens os labios gordinhos xD
alright, so today was the first test run for my new camera...still short on lenses, fun stuff and a decent programme to work on the pictures...nah, whatever, here are some pics. I tried around a little with various settings, shutter times etc, so some pics might actually seem "artsy", when they are just a product of pure coincidence
Ill be happy to hear criticism, please...
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Ill be happy to hear criticism, please...
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machste doch ganz gut....allerdings ist bei bild3 wenig vorteilhaft, dass die bltter direkt mitten vor der nasenpartie rumhngen 

adoro a segunda foto
parabens estas-te a sair muito bem 

yay, first experiences in shooting people....I mean, on photo!
Ill be meeting up with a friend of mine tomorrow, tattooed,too
to shoot a little set for him.
he also agreed for me to publish some of the photos on the net, ill keep ya posted!
Ill be meeting up with a friend of mine tomorrow, tattooed,too

he also agreed for me to publish some of the photos on the net, ill keep ya posted!
That's cool 

suicide boy??? huuuuum sounds nice!! quero ver isso!!!

hmmm....something is definetely going wrong here.
I have been around a lot of new people recently, more than usual, and also been back in touch with some people I havent talked to for a while, mostly girls.
The thing is: something is wrong with me it seems.
Within the last week or so, I have had a unusual lot of opportunities for "my standard" and...
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I have been around a lot of new people recently, more than usual, and also been back in touch with some people I havent talked to for a while, mostly girls.
The thing is: something is wrong with me it seems.
Within the last week or so, I have had a unusual lot of opportunities for "my standard" and...
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kinda weird...but it happens 

I have always found that when I dont have to work for it at all it is boring and cheap, I personally find that I would rather wait and have at least some "chase" to it, its never all that flattering when a girl gives it up too easy, its a lot better if there is some standard "waiting period" to it. Now I feel like I am not making sense......