Ha ha!

I have a massive crush and it's fucking awesome. I haven't had a proper one in what must be a MILLION years. One of those, 'Oh my god she looked at me and get all giddy' type crushes. Fantastic.

I may also have had two beers at lunch. Which has made me BLOG THE CRUSH.

hmmm ... cool band name.

Fucking work.
Trying to make me actually, like, care.
Damn it. I knew the pile of options was a fucking trap.
Feeling a bit lost today ... life has taken a different turn of late, and all the assumptions I made about where I was heading have to be reconfigured. I am finally getting my head around the idea that I won't be spending the rest of my life with whom I thought I was.

Which is all very sad, but it feels good for the...
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Things that Happen Part I

Sometimes you lose someone and sometimes you get them back. Sometimes the moment of loss is the moment that you realise what you really want. And sometimes the moment you get them back is the moment that you realise that the thing you want is simply the idea.

It's not about the having, the possession of the person, but about...
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Couple of weeks ago, Charlie, after a two year hiatus (two years!) decided to re-enter the market, so to speak. He had the perfect plan - random pick-ups in dodgy bars and no hint of a relationship.

Charlie is a physicist, so I can't show you his face, and hence also a total geek, so the plan was logical, based on empirical evidence and doomed...
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Day 3 of my continuing downward spiral.

Out last night with Charlie again and a couple of his mates. Started at the Dallas Bar. Rather dodgy, No surprises. Charlie and a couple of his mates hooked up with a triumvirate of young girls ... who turned out to be 18. Now, I am not particularly agist (my X is 8 years younger than me), but...
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Raining here in Melbourne, online, working on some stuff, spamming SG

Current song title of work in progress:
'I've taken up smoking but I've given up you'

Edited to add: not sure how I will work a Platonic angle into the song, not all the songs have to preach the faith though, surely?
I remember when the tight black jeans came back for like the third time. Sometime in 1992, if I recall correctly.

Other fashions from my past I would like to see brought back from the dead:

Rollers (ripple soles)
Points (my feet have been permanetly damaged by my stupid black suede points - with metal tip, of course)
Pirate Shirts
Flannelette Shirts
'Wedge' Hair

I was talking the other day about how damn cool hypercolour is/was.
Bonds have a new range of sort of hypercolour t-shirts and singlets, but so far I have only seen white to grey or pink, so...