More indulgent stories.

Conversation last night with people I haven't seen in AGES and having to explain what happened with Her, with She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.

I mean, what can you say to a question like 'Have you been OK', other than 'Well, apart from the fact that I wanted to marry her and have babies and a house and goats, yeah it's been rocking!'?

Yeah, the...
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No, no, no. My plan rules!!!

The plan is... wait for it... to just try and stay the fuck out of it all.

Plus - the PM usually wears tacky trackies or full sleeve shirts.

I want to get my chest done, but what if I ever need to be... someone who... um... fuck, forget it.
Yeah, it is a good plan.

Now just to see how well it actually works...

I am totally going to get fucking hurt, aren't I?!?
Nothing to report.

I am a victim of the weather ... sad when it's grey, happy when it's blue.

Life is simple and yet far too complex. I would swear off girls, but I can't. Or won't. I keep letting my guard down and getting pegged by those jabs (to use a terrible boxing analogy) ... but I am stronger than I was and I...
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Maybe that's my problem, I am too guarded in that closed-off forever kind of way, but then I swing to the total other end.
I can't not follow my emotions, even when my brain is saying, No, don't do it... you're a fuckwit, I'll still always go with my heart.
I need to learn to be guarded in that protective kind of way.

Maybe then I wouldn't get hurt so much...

(wow, I never knew I could ramble so much!!!)
I don't know the answer to that one either. Me? I am always too open, get involved and then run away or get hurt real bad.

I need a middle path ...
The girl who didn't return my text messages doesn't like me. I know this because I asked smile

Which is fine, I just wish she'd said that 5 days ago!

And also she lied about her age and is 11 years(!) younger than I am. Which is a long way too young, even for me..
Fuck. I am so far off the rails right now.

Out of control.

I feel like I could have written this entry...

(plus - you're right, it's all total bullshit, love and all that crap)
New tatt tonight. Still a bit gross, so no picture yet.

Fuck I forgot what a rush getting ink done is.
Already planning on going back for my next one.
Yay! New Ink!
I'm very itchy for new ink, even though it's been... what? 3 weeks?

You must must must get a picture!!!
Oh yeah. I'm prolly going back in on the weekend to sort out my next one.

OK ... my texts are not being replied to. And as much as I try and convince yourself its nothing personal, hard not to let my mind run away on me. Damn it. I wish people would just tell you when they're not interested.

I'm over being angsty for now.
Thanks for your patience.
Date last night. Never met before ... straight off the interweb, which was fucking strange. It was good, I like her even more in real life than on her blog. Geek city - I asked someone out because I liked the way they write.

But fuck. I am rusty at this shit and it makes me deliriously angsty,

I have no idea what to do...
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