More indulgent stories.
Conversation last night with people I haven't seen in AGES and having to explain what happened with Her, with She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.
I mean, what can you say to a question like 'Have you been OK', other than 'Well, apart from the fact that I wanted to marry her and have babies and a house and goats, yeah it's been rocking!'?
Yeah, the goat thing is weird, but I just like goats, and would like a little farm with some goats. I don't know why. It's my fantasy, so just, get out of it, OK?
And my friend Coxy pointed out that my new tatt looks like the letter 'A', which is the first initial of She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.Which is actually very amusing, but I am not sure I like it so much anymore.
And in the meantime, I've met several people I do like, including one who I LIKE LIKE (OMG WTF) but none of them like me. Another friend says they can 'Smell the damage'.
Surely it's not that bad.
I mean, I feel fine.
Conversation last night with people I haven't seen in AGES and having to explain what happened with Her, with She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.
I mean, what can you say to a question like 'Have you been OK', other than 'Well, apart from the fact that I wanted to marry her and have babies and a house and goats, yeah it's been rocking!'?
Yeah, the goat thing is weird, but I just like goats, and would like a little farm with some goats. I don't know why. It's my fantasy, so just, get out of it, OK?
And my friend Coxy pointed out that my new tatt looks like the letter 'A', which is the first initial of She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.Which is actually very amusing, but I am not sure I like it so much anymore.
And in the meantime, I've met several people I do like, including one who I LIKE LIKE (OMG WTF) but none of them like me. Another friend says they can 'Smell the damage'.
Surely it's not that bad.
I mean, I feel fine.
The plan is... wait for it... to just try and stay the fuck out of it all.
Plus - the PM usually wears tacky trackies or full sleeve shirts.
I want to get my chest done, but what if I ever need to be... someone who... um... fuck, forget it.
Now just to see how well it actually works...
I am totally going to get fucking hurt, aren't I?!?