The Mime Set play at Bar Open tonight from 10pm. It's free, so unless you have the flu, like everyone else in Melbourne, you really have no excuse for not going.

The Mime Set are a rather cool vaguely 'post-rock' outfit - imagine PJ Harvey meeting Because of Ghosts. I'm bad with my music genres - as in, I just make them up. (I was...
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Too old for this kind of shit.

Out last night and talking to a rather gorgeous girl, who I'd noticed when I first walked into the club.

This is good for me, because generally I don't interact with the humans - . what with the brain of software and philosophy my social skills are, well, the polite to describe them is 'differently abled'*. Anyway, part...
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God I need some new friends. Nothing personal, really, but have less and less in common with my social circle. My fault, in a way - there's a lot of settling down going on and I'm just not there yet.

So if you're in Melbourne and your team has a position vacant for an erudite manchild with strong geek tendencies, musical proclivities and excellent witty...
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Human nature is not a machine to be built after a model, and set to do exactly the work prescribed for it, but a tree, which requires to grow and develop itself on all sides, according to the tendency of the inward forces which make it a living thing.

Such are the differences among human beings in their sources of pleasure, their susceptibilities of pain,...
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7 of the clock and all is well.

Waiting to go out to a 'bogan' party for my friend Claire's going away. I bought a flanney from the Salvos that has that awseome op-shop smell. A 6-pack of VB cans and I'm all set.
Tell me you've got the stubbies shorts and a stubby holder from Bonnie Doon...

No bogan party is complete without the stubby holder from Bonnie Doon!!!
No Bonnie Doon stubby holder, unfortuantely.

The scariest part of the whole evening was how *little* most of us had to do to transform into bogans.
OK. Slightly drunk, so this is probably gibberish, although I have spelled gibberish correctly, so it might just be me

My friend Charlie lives witrh my X. So far not much problem, but it turns out he has been requested to:
- never mentiions me
- warn X if I am going to be somewhere

So in turn I requested Charlie to:
- punch me...
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I visited LegoLand as a child and it impacted me so much I went home and tried to construct various things on large scales. I failed, ofcourse, but I put that down to not having enough lego pieces.

It was a character building exercise.
Ha ha!

I have a massive crush and it's fucking awesome. I haven't had a proper one in what must be a MILLION years. One of those, 'Oh my god she looked at me and get all giddy' type crushes. Fantastic.

I may also have had two beers at lunch. Which has made me BLOG THE CRUSH.

hmmm ... cool band name.

Fucking work.
Trying to make me actually, like, care.
Damn it. I knew the pile of options was a fucking trap.
Feeling a bit lost today ... life has taken a different turn of late, and all the assumptions I made about where I was heading have to be reconfigured. I am finally getting my head around the idea that I won't be spending the rest of my life with whom I thought I was.

Which is all very sad, but it feels good for the...
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Things that Happen Part I

Sometimes you lose someone and sometimes you get them back. Sometimes the moment of loss is the moment that you realise what you really want. And sometimes the moment you get them back is the moment that you realise that the thing you want is simply the idea.

It's not about the having, the possession of the person, but about...
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