What a weekend. I had a halloween party at my house. It wasn't a very big one though. It was pretty funny. My roommate went out and bought a crapload of liquor, then when everyone came over, nobody drank. I think he was pretty dissapointed. He still got shitfaced though. So here I am sitting at home looking at the giant ass bowl of candy and a pile of bottles, and trying to decide how I'm going to spend my day (anyone for butterfingers and vodka shots?). I don't wan't to turn on the T.V. today. This election.gets me to nervious. I'm a little freaked out that Bush might win.
palpitations wake me
from an emotional slumber
these yearnings for empathy
have finally been answered

palpitations wake me
from an emotional slumber
these yearnings for empathy
have finally been answered